It's that time of year again! (Whoo-hoo!) It is time to choose a Lenten discipline. (Oh.) May I suggest that you don't wait until Ash Wednesday (March 1) and decide in a hurry? Or decide now and binge on an activity to go cold turkey in a week. Lent, the forty days of fasting, prayer, and penitence before Easter (not counting Sundays), is a season of slowing down, thinking deeply, praying, and spiritual pruning and growth. We are in the imitation of Christ's time in the wilderness, praying, fasting, and resisting temptation between his baptism and the noted beginning of his public ministry in some of the gospel accounts. When pondering Lenten disciplines, here are some good questions to ask yourself. 1) What does God think about me? How do I know that? 2) What gets in the way of me understanding or perceiving God's love in my life? 3) What gets in the way of me understanding or perceiving God's love in the world? 4) What is a habit that disturbs me...
Thoughts on what it means to be a traveler on the Way of Jesus the Christ