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Showing posts with the label Currently


A few weeks ago, I found out that many people who know and love me had worked for a long time to nominate me as one of the YWCA 's Women of Achievement in Alaska. I started getting congratulatory texts and emails before I officially found out about the award. Due to my personality (but not my essence), I am primarily a do-er and thinker, so it was not unusual that I didn't know how to feel about this great honor and recognition. My first reaction in text to a good friend was that there was no way I could accept this. Responding to her "Why not?", I said, "Because [the woman who watches my children] isn't getting one and I can't do anything without her." This is true and not merely self-deprecation. I am immensely grateful for Carolyn and for all who have the vocation of childcare, which help so many people work other jobs.  When I found out that the award is only given to 10 women each year and the nomination process is extensive and re...


Today was filled with a lot of intense prayer and conversation. I knew it would be ahead of time, so I tried to a lot plenty of time during the past week to quiet and meditation.  HOWEVER... My older child got sick and stayed home from school for two days, which meant I stayed with him. I fell behind in everything- including reaching a sense of peace and stability.  What to do?  Last night, I decided I would do a guided meditation no matter what time it had to happen. This lead to me sitting in the bathroom with headphones on at 10:30, listening to a soft voice talking me through awareness of the moment.  This morning, I breathed my mantra. It is always a version of "grace in... [something] out". Since we were having a healing service with a time for individual prayer, I prayer for "Grace in, anxiety out. God in, self out." Over and over.  When my hands rested on people's heads and shoulders, it was, as always, a powerful and disconcerti...


Weathering; The ups and downs of Alaska summer. It’s been very hot. Now it’s rainy and cool. Never complain, because it will change in a minute. Listening: “ All About That Bass ” by Meghan Trainor. Not normally my style, it’s just very catchy and positive about a variety of body types. Reading: Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery Eating: Nothing because we had a barbecue after the softball game. Incidentally, I read a message recently that said you can say Bar-b-que or BBQ or barbecue, but NOT barbeque according to the AP Style Manual. I say, if it ain’t Lexington-style chopped pork from North Carolina, it’s just grilled meat- maybe with sauce. Drinking: Water Wearing: My softball jersey- “People of Hope” #29 Feeling: Like I did not get enough done today Wanting: To have a good night’s sleep Needing: See above Thinking: about 1 John 1:1-4 (Sunday’s main text) Enjoying: Cooler evening breezes and being inside, thus, away from the mosquit...