Today's prompt: Tell something you've been doing for ten straight years.
The only habit I've sustained for that long in consistently the same way is tracking what I read. That's actually a 12-year-old habit. In 2002, I set the goal of trying to read 100 new books each year. This was to break my serous re-reading habit.
The lists tell me more than they tell you. Without looking at the year page, I know this is from 2007. I remember the voracious appetite I had for anything that would distract me from Robs impending deployment. Home from Yale for spring break, plus an extra week together, I remember hours at the library and curled on our couch during his work hours.
Many of the titles conjure up not only some details of the book, but also where I read it and what I was doing. My fifth book in 2011 was also my 1000th new book, since 2002. That felt amazing!
I didn't make it in 2002 (only 92), but I have each year since except for 2009 (70) and 2013 (96). Those two years just happen to be the two years in which I gave birth.

What was it? The Fortune Cookie Chronicles by Jennifer 8. Lee.