Fourth Sunday in Advent: Malachi 3-4 (Narrative Lectionary)
time of year I think a lot about the fact that I had two Jewish grandparents
whom I knew and loved. I had four Jewish great-grandparents who died before I
was born, whose parents came from Eastern Europe to escape the horrific
persecution of Jews. From my Jewish grandparents came my mother who came to
know and believe in Christ in her mid-twenties, but still shared with her
children some of the celebrations of her youth- Chanukah, Passover, Sabbath.
I think of these people, my ancestors, who died because of their religious and
cultural identity, I have wondered if I am betraying them. If I am not
practicing Judaism (I am technically
a religious Jew, just not of the Jewish faith.), am I undermining their
not just this time of year that has me asking these questions, but our reading
from Malachi. Malachi isn’t really a name, but a title meaning “Messenger of
YHWH”. This emissary is bringing another message from God: “See, I am sending
my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will
suddenly come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight
-- indeed, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who can endure the day of
his coming, and who can stand when he appears?”
I read Malachi, I think of all the stories we’ve heard from the Hebrew
Scriptures. The story of Abraham and Sarah, of Joseph and his brothers,
enslavement in Egypt and freedom with Moses, the giving of the law, the
leadership of David and Solomon, the struggle to keep the faith in the midst of
tribal warfare, and when kidnapped and taken to a strange land. Through these
stories, the Bible points to God’s ultimate faithfulness despite human
now we come to the end of the Hebrew Scriptures. There are other stories that
didn’t make it into the regular canon, the agreed upon list of Bible books.
There are events that happen after Malachi’s prophecies- the Chanukah story
with the lamp oil that lasts for eight days is one such story. But here is a
place of turning, a fork in the road, a split in the tree. At this place, we
either continue to remain in Advent or we move on to Christmas. Malachi says,
“But for you who revere my name the sun of righteousness shall rise, with
healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. Lo,
I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the
Lord comes.”

at the end of Malachi, the branch of Christianity grows out the roots of the
tree of Jesse, the Jewish roots of our faith. From this tree we receive our
Savior. From this tree we receive the roots of baptism and of blessing bread
and wine. From this tree, we receive the understanding of the cloud of
witnesses of faithful people who encourage us onward on our journey. Until we
are gathered around that manger in Bethlehem and share in Mary’s pondering and
the shepherds’ rejoicing, we who believe
in God are all Jews.
here we are as Christians, believers
in Christ, standing at the Advent crossroad and there are two questions for us.
The first is will Christ return today? There is still time. And if not, there
is still tomorrow.
second question that we must ask at this intersection is, “What about God’s
promises to Jews?” If we have been brought into faith through Jesus, but there
remain some who received God’s promises- what happens to them? What happens to
happens to them. The oracle of Malachi begins, “’I have loved you’, says the
Lord.” The book speaks of God’s election and how God will prepare God’s people
to endure judgment and being made holy. Again and again, throughout Hebrew
Scriptures, God goes the distance to uphold the promises that have been made
between God and God’s people. God does not fail.
"I have loved you" is the banner of a
God-created and God-given relationship.
God re-creates and sustains that relationship in the face of human
struggle and failure. If no one can endure or stand in the day of the Lord's
appearance, then God will have to create and sustain that which can endure and
stand. God will not fail.
are poised in a thin space between Advent and Christmas, a place where God meets creation, a place where God
became creation. In this space we see
backwards and forwards- history and future. It is only in this space that, just
between waiting and birthing, we sit with the possibility and the mystery of
what has been and what will be.
is a possibility that my ancestors might not have been killed and that I might
still have become Christian. Who can say? But they were killed. Killed because
of who they were and it is a great loss, but one that I cannot change. I do not
forget them. I honor them by being honest in who I am and by holding fast to what
I believe.
I believe in God’s work for the world in Jesus. I believe with Mary and Joseph,
Abraham and Sarah, Joseph, Moses, David, Jeremiah, Josiah, Isaiah, Hosea, and
Daniel in God’s promises from the beginning of creation. In God’s plans for
hope and a future. In how God loves God’s people like a parent who lifts an
infant to the cheek.
has not forgotten the promises made to my ancestors and yours. “I have loved
you,” says the Lord. That love burns through all distinctions, all sins and all
lies and leaves only what endures. God’s promises are all that can endure and,
because of that covenant, God upholds those to whom life has been promised.
Then. Now. Forever. God does not fail.