The greatest miracle in the story of Jonah isn’t the big fish. It’s never been the fish. It’s not the fish for two reasons. Firstly, we’ve all heard fish stories before and we know how they go. Secondly, and more importantly, God has always done what God needed to do to get human attention. Bush on fire, but not consumed? Check. (Exodus 3) Fleece is wet, but the floor is dry? Check. (Judges 6) Donkey refuses to move until you listen to the angel visitor? Check. (Numbers 22) God will get your attention, our attention, as needed. For most of us, no big fish needs to be involved. For Jonah, however, the Lord needed to engage a massive attention-getting device, such that Jonah would realize, as we all must: you can run from your Creator, but you can’t hide . Why didn’t Jonah listen in the first place? For reasons that made good sense to him. Nineveh was a significant location for trading routes crossing the Tigris River on the great road between the Mediterranea...
Thoughts on what it means to be a traveler on the Way of Jesus the Christ