For All Saints' Day- a meditation on the Lord's Prayer from St. Francis of Assisi: Our Father. Our Creator, Redeemer, Comforter and Savior. Who art in heaven. 
 You are with the angels and the saints, bathing them in your light that they may be enlightened by your love, and dwelling within them that they may be filled with your joy. You are the supreme good, the eternal good, from whom comes all goodness, and with- out whom there is no goodness. Hallowed be your name. 
 May our knowledge of you become ever clearer, that we may know the breadth of your blessings, the length of your promises, the height of your majesty, and the depth of your judgments. Your kingdom come. 
 Rule in our hearts with your grace, that we may become fit subjects for your kingdom. We desire nothing more than to dwell in your kingdom, where we can watch you on your throne, and enjoy your perfect love. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 