Friday Five suggestions come from here . Songbird writes: I t's been two weeks of snow, or not enough snow, of heartbreak before the action even began, of snowboards and skis and skates, of joy and sorrow. At our house, we've stayed up too late, and we don't even watch sports any other time! 1) Which of the Winter Olympic sports is your favorite to watch? Well, deep, dark confession time, I don't have television. I haven't since 2004, so I haven't actually seen any Olympics in real time since 2002, I think. Those were in Salt Lake according to Google. I haven't seen any of this year's Olympic Games, not even the opening ceremony. I thought they might be available on Hulu , but, alas, they were not. I have, in the past, enjoyed watching speed skating. And I would enjoy watching the biathlon. 2) Some of the uniforms have attracted attention this year, such as the US Snowboarders ' pseudo-flannel shirts and the Norwegian Curling team...