I once read that one could tell that it was going to rain by looking at the trees.
The shift in the breeze before a coming storm turned leaves over, their silvery undersides rippling against the brighter green of their siblings.
Even though I now live far from where I did when I first heard that, I still look for the silvery sides at the sky darkens, the air cools, and the air pressure changes.
Oh, if we could see the silvery sides of other things in the world, the turned over signal that means rain, hope, change, peace, help, healing, restoration is coming.
Slippery Spirit, sliding swiftly. Speaking softly. Subtly shifting. Silent shimmying.
The silver sides of the leaves of the world show your shadow.
Help me to see it and to turn my own silver side up to reveal your coming and going.
Cross-posted at RevGalBlogPals.org