I have faced similar pressures myself. In the early 2000s, the advisory committee of my small congregation in Massachusetts told me to keep my sermons to 10 minutes, tell funny stories and leave people feeling great about themselves. The unspoken message in such instructions is clear: give us the comforting, amusing fare we want or we’ll get our spiritual leadership from someone else."
I've thought about both pieces since they came out and wondered how to respond. I've had many people comment in my short career as a minister that they don't want to see me get burned out and that I should conserve my energy. At the same time, I love my job and holding back (on anything) isn't in my nature. I think ministerial burnout comes from two directions.
The first is something that I can prevent. I'm supposed to be in 16-mile mountain race/walk/hike in two days. I'm marginally trained, but looking forward to the effort and to feeling that my body is my own after 9 months of pregnancy and 12 of breast-feeding. However, my one-year-old has had a stomach bug (now clearing up) this week and I stayed home for 3 days with him. My husband's truck went into the shop this morning and I just heard that we should weigh our options between getting a new (to us) vehicle and repairing this one. And an hour ago, I received a call about a congregation member in the hospital- nothing major, but still at 90...
I could easily say that it just doesn't seem like I should go on Saturday. I shouldn't spend the night away from home. I should stick around in case I'm needed. But I'll always be needed. There will always be something. And if I yield to the somethings every time, then I will never do things I want to do for myself. I will never get rest from a job that doesn't quit. I'll never refresh my mind, body and spirit. I'll push the wax of my energy until the wick sputters out and then I'll sit in darkness, wondering how I got there.
In this sense, I have the power to prevent burnout and I have to claim that power.
The other way to prevent clergy burnout is for laity to realize their role and part in ministry. Often we can lose sight of the fact that the pastor is supposed to be working alongside the faithful for the good of God's creation. In particular, pastors are to hold out the example and offer guidance, assurance and consolation as people of faith move forward in their vocations and avocations, in imitation of Christ.
If the pastor does all the work, the congregation can become like children, believing that it will all be done for them, or they make become angry, because they are never allowed to enter fully into the covenant with God through their own actions. Burnout can be prevented by clergy stepping back and allowing the laity to step forward and do some of the work of the church. Faithful people can help their pastors by doing that work.
And it's not simply the work of visitation or occasionally helping with worship. It's the work of praying for the ministry of the church, of making bold decisions for missional direction, of welcoming people, of stopping gossip and criticism, of engaging in Biblical work and outreach.
Clergy must find joy in their ordination vows and realize the God-given limitations of their human nature. Laity must realize the joy of their baptismal promises and the growth that comes in working toward fulfilling them.
Only you can prevent forest fires. And burnout.
How true and how true at home, as well. I read that if your kids complain too much, you are probably not asking them to do enough around the house.
I think about a great pastor that was at my church when I came here just over 3 decades ago (time sure does fly! And it has made me realize that the PEOPLE are the local church, not the pastor.) This pastor is a great, warm pastor and a workaholic. A LOT got done, including a lot of teaching, but I think his hand (or his whole body) was in everything.
Later we had another pastor who some people considered lazy. He started a lot of committees for all areas of running the church. He attended the meetings, but said little. The people became empowered, I believe, and I think that was the start of very good lay leadership in this church. I think that people, at least those over 50, would now have a hard time accepting a pastor who wanted to be in control of everything.
And perhaps CONTROL is the issue when a pastor does everything.
But also, pastors should realize that they leave a legacy to those pastors who follow: they will be compared, even if times are different. If the pastor and spouse do EVERYTHING, this sets up an expectation for the future. If the pastor turns over the reigns of some programs, then people become the ministers and servants of each other, and this becomes "normal" and expected for the future.
Example: About 20-some years ago, the pastor was to be on vacation when we had VBS. Oh, the uproar. But since, VBS has been entirely lay led, lay run, and very successful, and NOT on the plate of any of the pastors since then, although they don't ignore it, and they may make an appearance, they don't have that responsibility.